Springtime Checks to Prevent Basement Leaks

Springtime Checks to prevent Basement leaks

It is a fantastic opportunity to take advantage of the Des Moines Springtime weather. Take some time and do a perimeter check of your home inside and out to see if there are potential water leak issues. Summer is not too far ahead, and those summer storms can bring in high precipitation that could lead to water in the basement and damage to your foundation walls if they are not protected. By being proactive and waterproofing your home, it will help prevent water in your basement before it starts.

Here are some things to check this Spring to help uncover potential water leaks in your basement.

Check seals:

Areas around your home, such as vents and pipes that lead outside, these should be properly sealed with a waterproof sealant. It is important to check these periodically for any crack or damage to the sealants, as weather and time break the sealants down. If see any damage repair and reseal with waterproof sealant as needed. Or call the professionals at BAM basements and Masons of Des Moines.

Check basement windows:

Basement windows can be a common cause of basement leaks. Damaged caulking and cracks in the window frame can be a source of water entering your basement. In the case of window wells, if you notice pooling water after it rains, this is an indicator of improper drainage. You can prevent your window wells from getting clogged up by ensuring that rainwater is flowing away from your foundation.

Check Sump pump:

If in a flood-prone area, a sump pump is essential to keep your basement dry. Many homes have a backup sump pump also. You should have regular inspections and maintenance performed as needed, to ensure sump pump is working correctly. Check sump pump for any blockage from debris, remove visible debris. Check sump pump for any signs of wear and tear. Test sump pump by pouring water into the well. As the water fills the sump pump should turn itself on, clear the water and stop automatically. If that does not happen call in BAM basements and Masons of Des Moines to help repair or replace.

Check your gutters and downspouts:

Leaves, sticks and debris can build up in your gutters and can prevent water from draining properly. Cleaning out your gutters regularly means water drains and flows away from your home instead of finding its way into your home.

Check your dehumidifier:

High humidity in your home can cause several issues, a dehumidifier is essential for maintaining a healthy level of humidity in your home. Keeping a relative humidity level between 45% and 50% can help avoid issues with mold growth and musty smells in your basement. To make sure that your dehumidifier is working correctly, have it regularly maintained by an HVAC professional.

Check for wall cracks:

Just like checking the seals, if there are cracks in your basement walls or floor, water may eventually start to seep through. Wall cracks are typically found at the very top or bottom of the wall. The cracks could be tiny, so it is crucial to inspect the wall carefully. A flashlight can help you spot them if the lighting in your basement is weak. Even a tiny crack can let in a lot of water and is likely to grow over time. Spotting these cracks early and repairing them will help prevent them from becoming worse and allowing unwanted water into your home. Completing this Spring maintenance routine means that you can enjoy your home knowing that your basement should remain mold and leak-free for the life of your home.

Many basement leaks can be avoided by being proactive. If this is your first summer at your property, you will want to conduct the checks listed above before deciding which if any basement waterproofing needs to be done this year. Des Moines and the surrounding area are known for torrential downpours during the summer months which is why spending some time now to examine all potential water entry sources can help you avoid basement leaks down the road.

At BAM basements and Masons of Des Moines pride ourselves on supplying the best basement waterproofing system installation and foundation and structural repairs around. We offer LIMITED LIFETIME TRANSFERABLE WARRANTIES on most of our products.

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