What is an egress window

What is an egress window?

What is an egress window? E-GRESS a means or place of going out, an exit.

An egress window is a window that is large enough to allow for escape or entry in the case of an emergency. Egress windows are required to be installed when finishing a basement or adding a sleeping room to the basement. 
There are codes and certain requirements that need to be met in order to have a compliant egress window, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice beauty.
B.A.M! Basements and Masons of Des Moines offers a beautiful egress window system that will transform your  basement into a bright, light-filled living space without compromising the safety of your family.

1 thought on “What is an egress window”

  1. Thanks for pointing out that egress windows are required to be installed when finishing a basement and for emergency areas. My husband and I are planning to have our basement refinished so we can use it as our home office where we can work during weekends. For sure, we will hire an egress window installer within the week.

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